Bioprotect® – Screening, fish and jellyfish

Working with an unique team of experts in the fields of screening, marine ecology and seawater intake systems, we provide tailored solutions to prevent the risk of an unplanned shutdown due to ingress of high volumes of biological material.

The service package includes:

  • Root cause analysis of failures or problems with your the intake, screening, or debris handling systems.
  • Identification and ecological profiling of risk species.
  • Review of the intake system screening, debris handling, stopgates and controls, providing short and long termmaintenance planning solutions.
  • Providing advice on Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the design of your specific seawater intake system.
  • Developing an Emergency Response Plan that addresses these issues.
  • Intake operation and maintenance planning at 5, 10, 15- and 20-year milestones.


For plants in planning or construction stage:

  • Definition of best practice for intake operations as the plant transitions from construction to commissioning and into its full operational phase, including effective biofouling and corrosion protection.
  • Pre or post construction, independent review of the intake system’s design system, covering biofouling control, screening and debris handling, long term maintenance and OPEX analysis

For Bioprotect we work collaboratively with specialist partner companies:

Saltwater Environmental Engineering Pty Ltd

30+ years’ experience in intake screening and filtering.

Five Oceans Environmental Services LLC

25+ years’ experience in coastal and marine ecology, with specialism in the Arabian region.